
Using incopy with indesign
Using incopy with indesign

using incopy with indesign

And they would all have access to all the files, the layout, and the linked stories. And that folder would be synced to everybody's local desktop, everybody on the team. In this example, you would have the InDesign file and it's linked stories in the cloud in a folder. So many, many users are moving to the cloud for this kind of work and I talked about that in a previous chapter. Now a lot of people these days don't have a network file server. You can work on it when it's convenient for you, when it makes sense, because you always have access to the files, the live file sitting on the server. But the idea is you don't have that domino effect of waiting for the person ahead of you to finish something. And in the end, the designer exports the final output. There's little printouts next to a couple of these computers to show you that, you know, they can work on a printout, not everything has to be done on the screen. It's very common for it to be mixed platform. In this schematic, the designer has the Macintosh and the editors all have laptops. So it is in a folder that everybody has access to, the InDesign users and the InCopy users. The layout sits on the file server and the layout has linked stories and I'll show you what stories are in another video but I'm also going to demo it in this video. Instead, let me show you, I have a little schematic up here of what it would look like if you have a network file server. Do you remember this slide where the designer spits out version one? And then it makes the rounds of different people who have to mark it up with changes and corrections and it goes back for version two and so on and so on and so on, ad infinitum, ad nauseum until it's final. And one of the first questions is, well, what is it for? What does it replace? And it replaces this mess for the most part. I've been teaching this solution to hundreds of companies over the past dozen years or so. And that's using Adobe's own two products, InDesign for the designers and InCopy for the writers and editors. Now I'd like to talk about, what to me is one of the slickest and easiest workflows for design and editorial collaboration.

Using incopy with indesign